Place of work:
Type of employment:
Job information
- Requires intermediate level understanding of voice and data networking standards, principles, theories, concepts, and techniques. - Technically sound in the area of networking and Cisco IPT equipment configuration, specifically: CUCM, (Cisco Unified Call Manager) Unity (Voice mail), CME (Call Manager Express) & CUE Cisco Unity Express. - Technically sound in the area of Server administration; Specifically, Microsoft Windows and LINUX Operation Systems. With ability to apply patches, and perform system level maintenance. - Possesses good analytical skills, with ability to troubleshoot issues, identify root cause, and implement correct actions. - Familiarity with networking protocols and topologies is required. - Individual will work independently within assigned portion of a project or process. - Participates as member of client support team. Guides junior team members of the Level 1 Maintenance team. - Bachelor’s degree OR 2 years of relevant experience with industry recognized certification (example: CCNA, CCNP, CCVP, etc). Interfaces with clients, account team members, Operations and other engineering teams in support of AT&T Managed IP Telephony Services. Serves as the primary IPT Engineering contact for multiple client engagements as it relates to Day-2 Maintenance activities, but ultimately takes guidance/direction from the Level 2 Lead Engineer assigned to the customer account. - Participate in First Day of Business activities, post-successful cut / Test and Turn Up of a new customer site; specifically to implement any customer identified changes at the individual user/phone level which we not implemented prior to the production cut. - Provide Maintenance support for all Cisco based Managed IPT voice services, utilized by the client as part of the centralized voice engineering team supporting managed and outsourcing engagements. - Provide technical voice support to the MACD team, in support of projects and complex MACD tkts as part of the customer engagement. - Interface with Client and internal AT&T Teams in a professional manner. Answer or secure answers for Maintenance related questions that may arise involving M-IPT Services. - Coordinate Change windows with appropriate parties for Maintenance activities to be performed
Benefits and other advantages:
Company offers real challenges, a lot of work, an above average compensation and benefits package, good career development possibilities in an international environment, they can offer fun and fully contribute to the success of young, dynamic and competent team members.
Information for the applicant:
In case of your interest to apply for this position, please, send us your curriculum vitae both in Slovak and English language with the ref. number in subject of your application. If you've had an interview in Grafton already, please, contact your consultant directly via e-mail. Please read carefully the text below and attach it to your e-mail/letter. I agree that company Grafton Recruitment s.r.o., located on Nám. SNP 1, Bratislava, (just company), to manipulate my personal data for purposes of employment mediation (adjustment, searching, selection, combination, liquidation, and to purvey to third persons, about their identity is the company obligatory to inform me) according to law No. 428/2002Z.z. 'About protecting of personal data'.
Generally required knowledge:
- Fluent English language communication skills - Knowledge of networking technologies (routers, switches, cabling, etc.) - Minimum 3 semesters of Cisco - At least 1.5 year of networking experiences - Skills & knowledge in working with Cisco IPT equipment specifically: CUCM, (Cisco Unified Call Manager) Unity (Voice mail), CME (Call Manager Express) & CUE Cisco Unity Express - With the abilities to perform minor /user level configuration changes of the applications as well as ability to perform Server administration, specifically, application of patches, and system level maintenance on Microsoft Windows and LINUX Operation Systems
Employee requirements
Minimum required education:vysokoškolské II. stupňa
Company information
Company characteristics:
Spoločnosť Grafton Slovakia s.r.o., svetovo uznávaný poskytovateľ personálnych služieb a sprostredkovaní práce, je personálno-poradenská agentúra so širokou pôsobnosťou. V oblasti sprostredkovania práce ponúkame stále zamestnanie, dočasné úväzky, brigády, ale tiež prácu v zahraničí. Zameriava sa predovšetkým na ponuky práce v nasledujúcich oboroch: obchod, marketing, administratíva, financie, bankovníctvo, IT, engineering, výroba, farmácia, cestovný ruch a ďalšie. Okrem ponuky práce poskytuje aj personálne poradenstvo, napr. ako napísať životopis, sprievodný list či ako sa pripraviť na pohovor.
Medzi široké portfólio Grafton služieb tiež patrí personálna inzercia na mieru, testovanie kandidátov, Assesment Centres, personálne a mzdové vedenie, konzultácie v oblasti ľudských zdrojov a Outplacement.
Graftonu záleží na kvalite, a preto sa snaží na trhu sprostredkovania práce a personálneho poradenstva ponúknuť maximálne profesionálny servis. Práve preto implementoval európsky uznávaný systém riadenia kvality ISO 9001. Certifikát ISO 9001 prispieva k snahe spoločnosti Grafton vyhovieť požiadavkám jej zákazníkov v najlepšej možnej kvalite. Ku každému zákazníkovi pristupuje individuálne s prioritou nájsť spoločné riešenie.
Dátum zverejnenia: 01.10.2024