Events and mission validation assistant

    ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.14.01.2025

    Job information

    Place of work

    Bratislava Region
    Bratislavský kraj

    Job description, information about job

    We are looking for a proactive and organized Events and mission validation assistant to join our team at the European Labour Authority (ELA).

    Key Responsibilities
    • Validate mission orders and expense declarations.
    • Organize and follow up on meetings and events, including logistical support, contractor liaison, and preparation of agendas, documents, invitations, and minutes.
    • Provide general administrative support to the Unit’s and sector’s activities.
    • Perform any other related tasks as requested by line management in the interest of the service.

    Why Join Us?
    • Be part of a dynamic and supportive team.
    • Engage in meaningful work that supports cooperation and organizational efficiency.
    • Opportunities for professional growth and development.
    • Contribute to impactful projects and events.

    Offered salary

    3000 EUR

    Benefits and other advantages

    • Presented at the interview

    Start date


    Deadline for completion of the selection procedure


    Type of employment


    Employee requirements

    Minimum required education

    Second Level University Education

    Language skills

    English (advanced - C1)

    Generally required knowledge

    • Excellent command of the English language (C1 Level based on the Common Framework of Reference Languages).
    • Computer literacy, with strong knowledge of MS Outlook, MS Office, and the Internet.
    • Knowledge of EU IT systems such as MIPS and ARES
    • Ability to work under pressure, in a multicultural environment, and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
    • Strong team spirit and ability to contribute to a positive working environment.
    • Excellent communication skills, with the ability to communicate clearly and effectively with internal and external stakeholders.
    • Service-oriented attitude.
    • Excellent planning and organizational skills.
    • Proactive approach and flexibility in work.

    Suitable for graduates


    Company information

    Company characteristics

    Spoločnosť ManpowerGroup™ je svetovým lídrom v poskytovaní inovatívnych služieb a riešení na mieru, ktoré pokrývajú životný cyklus zamestnanca a pomáhajú jej klientom dosiahnuť svoje ciele a zvýšiť si konkurencieschopnosť.
    ManpowerGroup, spoločnosť s obratom $22 miliárd a s 65-ročnou skúsenosťou v odbore, ponúka komplexné riešenia v oblasti ľudských zdrojov, ktoré pomáhajú klientom uspieť v nastupujúcej ére „talentizmu“. Tieto riešenia pokrývajú všetky potreby zamestnávateľov od vyhľadania a náboru talentov, ich hodnotenia, tréningu a rozvoja, riadenia kariéry, po agentúrne zamestnávanie a outsourcing.

    ManpowerGroup disponuje najväčšou svetovou sieťou v oblasti ľudských zdrojov s takmer 3 900 pobočkami vo viac než 80 krajinách sveta. Vytvára tak dynamickú kombináciu bezkonkurenčnej globálnej pôsobnosti so znalosťami a skúsenosťami na regionálnych trhoch práce, aby vyhovela potrebám svojich 400 000 zákazníkov ročne, ku ktorým patria ako menšie a stredné podniky všetkých odvetví, tak najväčšie svetové nadnárodné korporácie. ManpowerGroup poskytuje svoje riešenia v rámci svojich spoločností ManpowerGroup™ Solutions, Manpower, Experis a Right Management.


    ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.
    Landererova 12
    81109 Bratislava
    Slovak Republic

    Contact information

    Zuzana Švaňová
    Tel: +421917663856

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