Financial Operations Administrator

    ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.07.02.2025

    Job information

    Place of work

    Bratislava Region
    Bratislavský kraj

    Job description, information about job

    Do you speak French, Italian, or German? Fantastic!

    Join our client’s dynamic team and launch your career in an international company. This opportunity is perfect for graduates eager to gain invaluable experience.

    Our client’s financial operations team is on the lookout for a proactive, customer-focused, and detail-oriented Financial Administrator. Your primary responsibility will be to manage and resolve issues related to receivables and payments from business customers. The successful candidate will handle collection operations in collaboration with local sales and financial management.

    Why You Should Apply:
    • Diverse Responsibilities: From managing customer liabilities to direct communication with clients, your role will be varied and engaging.
    • Professional Growth: Gain hands-on experience in financial operations and build a solid foundation for your career.
    • Collaborative Environment: Work closely with sales and financial teams, enhancing your teamwork and communication skills.
    • Customer Interaction: Develop strong relationships with customers, ensuring their satisfaction and improving their experience.

    Key Responsibilities:
    • Overseeing customer liabilities and receivables collection operations.
    • Reviewing and monitoring aging reports and collection targets.
    • Acting as a liaison between the customer and the company to settle third-party invoices.
    • Addressing customer inquiries about billing, investigating unpaid or disputed amounts, and resolving issues through emails and phone calls.
    • Collaborating with all relevant stakeholders to provide top-notch customer service.
    • Building trust with external and internal stakeholders, fostering long-term relationships, and continuously seeking ways to enhance customer satisfaction.

    Offered salary

    1370 EUR

    Specification of salary conditions

    The salary will be based on the candidate’s knowledge and experience.

    Benefits and other advantages

    The benefits will be presented during the interview.

    Start date


    Deadline for completion of the selection procedure


    Type of employment


    Employee requirements

    Minimum required education

    Secondary with Leaving Examination

    Language skills

    English (upper-intermediate - B2)
    French (upper-intermediate - B2)
    German (upper-intermediate - B2)
    Italian (upper-intermediate - B2)

    Generally required knowledge

    • Mastery of Languages: Fluent in English and another language—French, Italian, or German.
    • Top-Notch Skills: Exceptional communication and analytical abilities.
    • Problem-Solving Pro: A positive and proactive approach to tackling challenges.
    • Tech-Savvy: Strong proficiency in MS Office.
    • Effective Communicator: Skilled at resolving issues via phone and email with ease.

    Suitable for graduates


    Company information

    Company characteristics

    Spoločnosť ManpowerGroup™ je svetovým lídrom v poskytovaní inovatívnych služieb a riešení na mieru, ktoré pokrývajú životný cyklus zamestnanca a pomáhajú jej klientom dosiahnuť svoje ciele a zvýšiť si konkurencieschopnosť.
    ManpowerGroup, spoločnosť s obratom $22 miliárd a s 65-ročnou skúsenosťou v odbore, ponúka komplexné riešenia v oblasti ľudských zdrojov, ktoré pomáhajú klientom uspieť v nastupujúcej ére „talentizmu“. Tieto riešenia pokrývajú všetky potreby zamestnávateľov od vyhľadania a náboru talentov, ich hodnotenia, tréningu a rozvoja, riadenia kariéry, po agentúrne zamestnávanie a outsourcing.

    ManpowerGroup disponuje najväčšou svetovou sieťou v oblasti ľudských zdrojov s takmer 3 900 pobočkami vo viac než 80 krajinách sveta. Vytvára tak dynamickú kombináciu bezkonkurenčnej globálnej pôsobnosti so znalosťami a skúsenosťami na regionálnych trhoch práce, aby vyhovela potrebám svojich 400 000 zákazníkov ročne, ku ktorým patria ako menšie a stredné podniky všetkých odvetví, tak najväčšie svetové nadnárodné korporácie. ManpowerGroup poskytuje svoje riešenia v rámci svojich spoločností ManpowerGroup™ Solutions, Manpower, Experis a Right Management.


    ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.
    Landererova 12
    81109 Bratislava
    Slovak Republic

    Contact information

    Zuzana Švaňová
    Tel: +421917663856

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