
Junior Project Specialist (Ref. č.: 115-16-44079)

Job information

- Implement Manufacturing Execution System software and other projects in business units within the group. - Work with the team to analyze and optimize business processes for planned implementations - Implementing new system functionalities, including development of custom features (programming, SQL scripts). - Supporting the site through training during and after implementation - Daily user support and control/maintenance of the production application

Benefits and other advantages:

- Dynamic work in a multinational environment. - Wide opportunities for professional development. - Meaningful scope of responsibility. - A varied area of work with high personal responsibility. - Salary depending on skills and experience - Interesting benefits (13th and 14th salary, meals at the workplace, wide choice of social fund, Multisport card, massages and rehabilitation, etc.).

Information for the applicant:

Send us your CV in English and Slovak if you have one. For more related job opportunities visit

Generally required knowledge:

- High school or university technical education in computer science, automation or electronics. - Confident in using English for professional purposes. - Willingness to learn and travel frequently. - Good communication skills - Ability to work effectively with other team members. - Group B driving licence. Skills and experience an advantage: - Knowledge of MES-class systems and practical experience in developing/implementing solutions for this system (e.g. in manufacturing or logistics) - General knowledge of ERP systems - Experience of working in IT or with IT systems, particularly in manufacturing. - Knowledge of any of the relevant programming languages (Java, C#) and/or SQL scripts

Employee requirements

  • Minimum required education:
    stredoškolské s maturitou

Company information

Company characteristics:

Spoločnosť Grafton Slovakia s.r.o., svetovo uznávaný poskytovateľ personálnych služieb a sprostredkovaní práce, je personálno-poradenská agentúra so širokou pôsobnosťou. V oblasti sprostredkovania práce ponúkame stále zamestnanie, dočasné úväzky, brigády, ale tiež prácu v zahraničí. Zameriava sa predovšetkým na ponuky práce v nasledujúcich oboroch: obchod, marketing, administratíva, financie, bankovníctvo, IT, engineering, výroba, farmácia, cestovný ruch a ďalšie. Okrem ponuky práce poskytuje aj personálne poradenstvo, napr. ako napísať životopis, sprievodný list či ako sa pripraviť na pohovor.

Medzi široké portfólio Grafton služieb tiež patrí personálna inzercia na mieru, testovanie kandidátov, Assesment Centres, personálne a mzdové vedenie, konzultácie v oblasti ľudských zdrojov a Outplacement.

Graftonu záleží na kvalite, a preto sa snaží na trhu sprostredkovania práce a personálneho poradenstva ponúknuť maximálne profesionálny servis. Práve preto implementoval európsky uznávaný systém riadenia kvality ISO 9001. Certifikát ISO 9001 prispieva k snahe spoločnosti Grafton vyhovieť požiadavkám jej zákazníkov v najlepšej možnej kvalite. Ku každému zákazníkovi pristupuje individuálne s prioritou nájsť spoločné riešenie.

Position / industry: Vrcholový manažment / Projektový manažér
Dátum zverejnenia: 11.10.2024

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