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Druh pracovného pomeru:
Informácie o pracovnom mieste
Využite príležitosť pracovať v stabilnej medzinárodnej spoločnosti. - Implementation the commercial policy - Maintaining good relationships and communication with customers, - Preparation of price offers for customers and their updating, - Verification of compliance between price offers and customer orders, - Answers to customers to questionnaires and surveys monitoring compliance with the plans, - Participation in price negotiations and business events organized by customers, - A collaboration with engineering to review drawings and review contracts with customers, - Monitoring the fulfillment of agreed annual quantities in customer orders, - Logistics support in communication with customers on the correctness of invoiced prices, - Registration and updating of customer information (contact persons, product changes, ...), - Participation in dispute resolution between different customer departments and company - Overseeing the planning of start-up projects in cooperation with project managers, engineering, and quality
Informácie pre uchádzača:
Zašlite nám svoj životopis v slovenskom jazyku a ak máte aj v anglickom jazyku. Viac podobných pozícií nájdete na https://www.grafton.sk/sk/job-search
Všeobecne požadované znalosti:
Uvítame kandidátov, ktorí spĺňajú nasledujúce požiadavky: - English is mandatory - Experience in automotive industry - Knowledge of ISO 16 949
Požiadavky na zamestnanca
Minimálne požadované vzdelanie:vysokoškolské II. stupňa