Type of employment:
Job information
Are you fluent in comunication in Italian and English language ? Are ou looking for home office work and working also during weekend is not a problem for you? Your daily tasks at this position should be: -First point of contact for employees and managers via phone, email and internal case management system. - Resolve different HR queries by answering to Employee’s life-cycle queries. - Queries are mainly related to benefits, payroll, leave of absence, data management, onboarding and terminations but also other HR topics. - Escalate employee’s queries where these cannot be resolved. - Ensuring that each contact is accepted and resolved with a high degree of customer focus. - Actively seeks for a feedback to improve service, supporting documentation, internal processes Work is done in shifts in different shifts rotations . - Monday to Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (no night shifts) The work can only be performed from the territory of the Slovak Republic.
Benefits and other advantages:
- Full time working from Home office - Opportunity to grow in international company - Possibility of order Multisport card
Information for the applicant:
Send us your CV in English and Slovak if you have one. For more related job opportunities visit https://www.grafton.sk/en/job-search
Generally required knowledge:
Requirement for the successful candidate: - Fluent in Italian language - Fluent in English language - Great communication skills - Experiences from HR- advantage - Experiences from Customer care- advantage - Openness for shift work We are open to consider also freshly graduated candidate as there will be full traingng process. Please sent us your CV for this position also in English.
Employee requirements
Minimum required education:stredoškolské s maturitou
Suitable for graduates:Yes
Company information
Company characteristics:
Spoločnosť Grafton Slovakia s.r.o., svetovo uznávaný poskytovateľ personálnych služieb a sprostredkovaní práce, je personálno-poradenská agentúra so širokou pôsobnosťou. V oblasti sprostredkovania práce ponúkame stále zamestnanie, dočasné úväzky, brigády, ale tiež prácu v zahraničí. Zameriava sa predovšetkým na ponuky práce v nasledujúcich oboroch: obchod, marketing, administratíva, financie, bankovníctvo, IT, engineering, výroba, farmácia, cestovný ruch a ďalšie. Okrem ponuky práce poskytuje aj personálne poradenstvo, napr. ako napísať životopis, sprievodný list či ako sa pripraviť na pohovor.
Medzi široké portfólio Grafton služieb tiež patrí personálna inzercia na mieru, testovanie kandidátov, Assesment Centres, personálne a mzdové vedenie, konzultácie v oblasti ľudských zdrojov a Outplacement.
Graftonu záleží na kvalite, a preto sa snaží na trhu sprostredkovania práce a personálneho poradenstva ponúknuť maximálne profesionálny servis. Práve preto implementoval európsky uznávaný systém riadenia kvality ISO 9001. Certifikát ISO 9001 prispieva k snahe spoločnosti Grafton vyhovieť požiadavkám jej zákazníkov v najlepšej možnej kvalite. Ku každému zákazníkovi pristupuje individuálne s prioritou nájsť spoločné riešenie.