Global Inventory Management Specialist

    ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.08.10.2024

    Job information

    Place of work

    Košice Region; Košice

    Job description, information about job

    We are looking for Global Inventory Management Specialist in the office in Kosice. This is a perfect role for someone who is passionate about new technology, someone with strong English skills and Microsoft Office Package (Excel, Word and Outlook). In this role you will learn a lot. This is a great place to start or continue your professional career.

    Roles and Responsibilities:
    • Preparing the reports for Global Procurement team what equipment needs to be purchased so that appropriate inventory-levels are properly maintained, domestic and international - except of LSP (Local Supply Purchase) countries – out of scope countries, meaning that in general we cannot import, and we need to purchase locally or even use 3rd party (e.g., China)
    • Creating order lists in GPS/NC3 tools; adding configurations quantities for preferred suppliers; adjusting price according to the supplier quote; setting attributes; all staging centres except of Roll Forward
    • Analysis of the reports for all staging centres in all regions except of Roll Forward
    • Updating inventory records . Making returned equipment available again so the equipment can be reused
    • Comparison of CTDI Inventory reports vs GPS / NC3 Asset Records, making sure that EQ status and HW model is always available and appropriate Staging centre and pool is selected / visible
    • Equipment transfers between pools in staging centre (pool to pool move) and between staging centres
    • Cooperation with CTDI IT Support Team; GPS and NC3 Data Support Team
    • Follow-ups with suppliers and staging centres
    • Record all purchases; pool to pool moves, equipment transfers to the PO tracking database
    • Manual entry for all records (e.g.: supplier name, staging centre, employee ID, date, part number, qty, hardware model, pool name, ship dates, price, received date, tracking number)
    • Checking NCR shipping reports, creating load files to get the assets records created in GPS/NC3 system
    • Cisco Configuration research
    • Creating preload forms for the transferred EQ; Sending forms to CTDI
    • Monitoring EQ receipts
    • Updating Excel Tracker file to monitor preload status and receiving status of transferred EQ
    • Once the EQ is receipted, updating the asset records

    Offered salary

    1450 EUR

    Specification of salary conditions

    Salary from €1,450.00 gross amount per month + uplifts for evening and night shifts added on top of the base monthly salary. Actual salary is likely to be higher based on skills, knowledge and experience.

    Benefits and other advantages

    • Company Performance Incentive (CPI) - Yearly performance bonus
    • Salary Merit Increase (SMI) - Annual salary increase
    • Sick Leave Benefit - Extra Compensation for income loss due to sickness
    • Virtual Work (up to 3 days / week)
    • Meal vouchers
    • Yearly performance bonus
    • Taxi service is provided after evening shift to our employees
    • Contract type: Fixed-term contract for 2 years
    • 12days + in month posible home office

    Start date


    Deadline for completion of the selection procedure


    Type of employment


    Employee requirements

    Minimum required education

    Second Level University Education

    Language skills

    English (upper-intermediate - B2)

    Generally required knowledge

    • English language – Full Professional Proficiency required in both spoken and written English
    • Logical mind-set and a passion for problem solving
    • Awareness of communication technologies and networking technologies
    • Good organization skills and attention to detail
    • Ability to work in multi-cultural global environment

    Suitable for graduates


    Company information

    Company characteristics

    Spoločnosť ManpowerGroup™ je svetovým lídrom v poskytovaní inovatívnych služieb a riešení na mieru, ktoré pokrývajú životný cyklus zamestnanca a pomáhajú jej klientom dosiahnuť svoje ciele a zvýšiť si konkurencieschopnosť.
    ManpowerGroup, spoločnosť s obratom $22 miliárd a s 65-ročnou skúsenosťou v odbore, ponúka komplexné riešenia v oblasti ľudských zdrojov, ktoré pomáhajú klientom uspieť v nastupujúcej ére „talentizmu“. Tieto riešenia pokrývajú všetky potreby zamestnávateľov od vyhľadania a náboru talentov, ich hodnotenia, tréningu a rozvoja, riadenia kariéry, po agentúrne zamestnávanie a outsourcing.

    ManpowerGroup disponuje najväčšou svetovou sieťou v oblasti ľudských zdrojov s takmer 3 900 pobočkami vo viac než 80 krajinách sveta. Vytvára tak dynamickú kombináciu bezkonkurenčnej globálnej pôsobnosti so znalosťami a skúsenosťami na regionálnych trhoch práce, aby vyhovela potrebám svojich 400 000 zákazníkov ročne, ku ktorým patria ako menšie a stredné podniky všetkých odvetví, tak najväčšie svetové nadnárodné korporácie. ManpowerGroup poskytuje svoje riešenia v rámci svojich spoločností ManpowerGroup™ Solutions, Manpower, Experis a Right Management.


    ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.
    Landererova 12
    81109 Bratislava
    Slovak Republic

    Contact information

    Jana Futejová
    Tel: +421 905 902 251

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