Project Manager - HR/Facilities/Location Strategy

Informácie o pracovnom mieste

2421003 - Projektový špecialista (projektový manažér)

Pracovná oblasť: Manažment, podnikové financie, účtovníctvo, kontrola a štatistika

Počet voľných miest: 1

Náplň práce: OVERVIEW:
As a Location Strategy Specialist at Sportradar, you will play a pivotal role in shaping our location decisions, ensuring that they align with our strategic objectives and provide us with a competitive advantage. In this role, you will report to the VP People Transformation and will be responsible for researching, analyzing, and recommending the optimal locations for our facilities, offices, and other assets.
Location Analysis: Conduct comprehensive research to identify potential locations for new facilities, offices, or assets. Analyze factors such as market trends, demographics, economic indicators, regulatory environments, and infrastructure to determine the suitability of each location.
Site Selection: Collaborate with cross-functional teams to evaluate potential sites and make informed recommendations based on your analysis. Consider factors like cost, accessibility, proximity to suppliers, and customer base.
Financial Modeling: Develop financial models to assess the economic viability of different location options. Calculate expected costs, potential revenue, and ROI for each scenario.
Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks and challenges associated with each location, and develop strategies to mitigate them. This may include regulatory compliance, geopolitical issues, and natural disasters.
Data Visualization: Present your findings and recommendations through clear and persuasive data visualization, to facilitate decision-making at various organizational levels.
Stakeholder Communication: Effectively communicate with internal and external stakeholders to gather input and feedback on location strategies. Collaborate with real estate professionals, government officials, and other partners as needed.
Market Research: Stay updated on industry trends, competition, and emerging markets to proactively identify opportunities for expansion or relocation.
Project Management: Oversee the implementation of location strategies, ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget.
Implement process and governance for managing office closures, openings & new offices via M&A.
Build and evoke office culture experiences and set-ups that align to location teams such as engineering hubs.
Bachelor's degree in Business, Economics, or a related field.
Proven experience in location strategy, real estate, Facilities Management, HR or related fields, with at least 4 years of experience.
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
Proficiency in data analysis and modeling tools.
Excellent communication and presentation skills.
Project management experience is a plus.
Ability to travel as required.
Additional Information

Informácie pre uchádzača:

Pracovný a mimopracovný pomer: Pracovný pomer na neurčitý čas

Nočná práca: Nie

Sezónna práca: Nie

Základná zložka mzdy v eurách (v hrubom): 2 300 €

Druh voľnej pracovnej pozície: Voľné pracovné miesto v podnikateľskej sfére

Zdroj: Pracovná ponuka je prevzatá zo stránky Úradov práce.

Všeobecne požadované znalosti:

Požadovaný stupeň vzdelania: Vysokoškolské vzdelanie druhého stupňa

Prax: aspoň 4 roky

Znalosť slovenského jazyka je nevyhnutná: Nie

Cudzí jazyk: anglický vysoká – vysoká C1 a C2

Všeobecné spôsobilosti: analyzovanie a riešenie problémov
digitálna gramotnosť (počítačové spôsobilosti)
finančná a ekonomická gramotnosť
komunikácia (jednanie s ľuďmi)
komunikácia v cudzom jazyku
kultivovaný písomný prejav
kultivovaný slovný prejav, schopnosť vyjadrovania sa

Informácie o spoločnosti

Kontaktné údaje:

Sportradar Slovakia s.r.o.

Pozícia / odvetvie: Ekonomika, financie, účtovníctvo / Výroba / Finančný manažér / Obchodný manažér
Dátum zverejnenia: 07.05.2024

Iné možnosti práce