Dobrovoľník na medzinárodnú mládežnícku výmenu / Volunteering for international youth exchange

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  • Ponúkaný plat (základná mzda):
    Dobrovoľnícka činnosť je bez nároku na finančnú odmenu/honorár.
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  • Druh pracovného pomeru:
  • Termín nástupu do práce:
    od 16.7.2017 do 25.7.2017

Informácie o pracovnom mieste

AIM OF THE EXCHANGE is to contribute to changing the narrative of “European migration crisis” to an inclusive, participative and solidarity approach to communication about the current situation of forced migration, understandable to youth.

„Xenophobic and racist discourse has been normalized in many countries, with certain media outlets blaming refugees and migrants for economic and social problems“, Amnesty international
Presentation of forced migration of people towards Europe is communicated largely and for extended period of time as “European migration crisis” offering a single negative story that enforces a xenophobic and racist discourse and behavior.
Solidarity, diversity, social inclusion and intercultural understanding are the key pillars that hold up democratic principles of Europe. However, once again the strength of these pillars is brought to a test with Europe facing fluxes of forced migration of people from Middle East escaping war afflicted countries in the past several years.

Youth exchange will allow young people meet and live together in the international group. Throughout debates, workshops, group dynamics, study visits and specific event organization, they can develop communication competences, broaden their views and became aware of the necessity for movement and migrations. Young people will discover new culture and habits of the local community as well as of the ones whose family background is marked with migration. When being faced with positive examples that came out from migrations, young participants can strengthen and tackle peer learning, solidarity, sense of democracy and friendship.

Attention was put on assuring good group dynamics (carefully planned getting to know each other activities, teambuilding activities, commonly agreed group rules, international evenings), contact with the local community (treasure hunt, event of the Human Library, evenings with the local community, study visit), self-organisation (cleaning teams, free time organisers, promo teams collecting video material etc.), reflection on one’s own and in group (contribution & expectation exercise, reflection groups, mid-term evaluation, Youth Pass as reflection tool). Enough time has been foreseen for outdoor activities and study visits as well as to input by experts and key note speakers. In this way it will be supported both learning in non-formal setting as well as informal learning.

Several elements are foreseen as pre-requisites and added value to this project:
• specific profile of participants, with migrant background, personal or from their parents
• relevant key note speakers for the Human Library
• Study visit to the NGO Initiative for Development and Cooperation working directly with migrants passing through Serbia, who are able to provide relevant and actual info on the situation on the Balkan route
• Link to the environmental migration (e.g. after 2014 floods in Serbia and similar natural disasters; birds migration at Obedska Bara, also called “Birds Eldorado”, where the youth exchange is going to take place)
• Interaction with the locals with migrant background (from the 90’ Balkan wars, previous people’s migration to Vojvodina region, minorities etc.)

Profile of participants
No gender, education, racial and other discrimination will be conducted.
We want to include participants with migration background in the widest sense. Migrations can be linked with many phases of European history. It doesn’t have to be first level direct experience (personal experience of moving to another country), but also something that goes through lineage of participant’s family (e.g. their parents/grandparents have migrated to
another country). We want to select participants who have experienced or whose family members experienced different kinds of migration. Thus, we can have participants whose family was moving for the reasons listed below:
- Natural disasters: earthquake, floods or drought, etc.
- Social obstacles
- Economical obstacles – in search for better living conditions
- Educational reasons
- Family circumstances
Also, we want to include participants who are interested in different kinds of migration and willing to research more about it.

Participants should be 18-30 years old.

Požiadavky na zamestnanca

  • Minimálne požadované vzdelanie:
    základné vzdelanie
  • Jazykové znalosti:
    Anglický jazyk
  • Vhodné pre absolventov: