Travel Management Specialist (Ref. č.: PR/015163)

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Ponuky z podobných lokalít

Ponuky z podobných kategórií

Informácie o pracovnom mieste

Manage Travel/Fleet expense reduction & saving opportunities according to Global Travel/Fleet strategy
Continuously optimize Travel/Fleet related processes and secure Travel/Fleet policy compliance globally
Negotiate and control cost effective services for planning, organization, execution, reporting and settlement of Travel/Fleet business
Secure communication and user satisfaction
Create, organize, manage and control the strategic supplier set up and regular procurement activities in the Travel and Fleet field in cooperation within the commodity business team and the respective organizational interfaces
Optimize KPIs by leveraging procurement tools like standardization, pooling or productivity opportunities
Special project support
Administration support

Informácie pre uchádzača:

* In case of your interest, please send your CV in English langage. Thank You!

Všeobecne požadované znalosti:

* Professional experience necessary
* Travel industry or travel agency knowledge and experience desirable
* Experienced to work in international corporate environment (written/spoken)
* Proficient business English and German language skills
* Experiences to support and interact with internal consumers
* Problem solving attitude and engagement
* MS Office especially Excel
* HTML experience desirable

Požiadavky na zamestnanca

  • Minimálne požadované vzdelanie:
    stredoškolské s maturitou
  • Jazykové znalosti:
    Anglický jazyk (stredne pokročilý - B2)
    Nemecký jazyk (stredne pokročilý - B2)


Microsoft Excel